Bitter/Sweet thoughts
Made the mistake of reading the news this week. Depressing as all hell. War everywhere—in increasing quantities. And of course the media spin it up sensationally to get clicks. All superficial analysis, sound bites, and clickbait headlines about impending conscription and Total War. Still sickening to think about, regardless of how irrational it all is. It made for not a good week. Had a knot in my stomach and an impending sense of dread and unease. Bit my nails to the quick and struggled to get much work done. I look at my sweet, innocent boys and struggle to fathom how people can be so cruel as to inflict war on one another. To send others off to die on their behalf while they stay out of the way selling lies to get people onside . For what? Pathetic, small-minded, and sickening. Why can’t people work together for the benefit of everyone ? What’s all this zer...