New Year's Day 2024

Went to Saltburn Beach with Char and the boys. Busy. 

Bright day again, and everybody was out walking. Lovey wholesome atmosphere. Ansel all cheeky smiles and Zen off fearlessly exploring. People all over the place. 

A busker butchering a Pink Floyd song (the slow one with the meditative guitar solo full of note bends) on an out of tune guitar through a tiny amp. Practicing in public with a plastic mixing bowl to collect people’s coins by his feet. Bless him.

Such a lovely two days at the beach. Going to miss having it on our doorstep now we’re back home.

These two days away have felt really healing. I’ve developed a newfound appreciation for where I grew up, which, in a way, has led to a greater acceptance of myself. And perhaps this will help me let go of some limiting beliefs and have more confidence in myself. 

Feel nothing but love for my family. Beautiful people.

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