Stay Frosty

Beautiful, crisp winter morning. Took a walk round the village after dropping the kids at nursery. Everywhere covered in frost under a bright blue sky. Golden light. Yesterday, I felt like I’d been run over by a bus. Today, a supreme sense of wellbeing. 

The boys are growing up so fast. Ansel now waits in the car when I go to the shop rather than clinging to me the whole way around. Zen is trying to walk down the stairs by himself (he can do it with help). His speech is coming on strong. This morning, once I’d dressed him in the bedroom, he pointed to the floor and said, clear as day. “downstairs.” Incredible for a 15 month old. 

Moving the boys into a shared room has gone better than expected. Zen wakes up and cries (and cries) but settles himself until about 3-4am, when he comes in with us. Ansel is sleeping through the night until about 6:30, then goes back to sleep if I get in with him. Doesn’t even wake when his brother cries at the top of his lungs most of the time. 

They’re so amazing and special. We’re so lucky with them. 

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