
Showing posts from September, 2023

The real MVP

The real MVP: Meaning, Values, Purpose. Gotta respect and stay true to them.

Three quick thoughts

Writing is life, and I am here for it. Love is such a beautiful form of pain. I can’t think of a better way to describe it. Life lesson I must teach my boys (and regularly remind myself of):  the moment you start taking yourself too seriously, you’re fucked.

Three unrelated thoughts

Today, I drove past a house where somebody had a huge mirror facing inward, completely filling their bedroom window. It's hard to imagine a bigger act of vanity than replacing your view of the external world with a reflection of your own image. -- I worked yesterday (my last enrolment weekend), so I didn't get to see Ansel or take him swimming, as per our usual Saturday routine. Tonight, as I was putting him to sleep, he said sweetly, "Daddy, where were you yesterday? I missed you." The innocence, direct honesty, and curiosity of kids will melt even the coldest heart. -- Something I wonder: is my left/right brain nature somehow related to me using my left leg and becoming left-footed after breaking my right leg as a kid? If so, which way around is the cause and effect? Did a naturally strong right brain enable me to become left-footed, or did using my left leg more during a critical development period cause my right brain to develop more than it otherwise would have? 

Our house has a slug problem

Our house has a slug problem.  Or our kitchen does, at least. And when I'm the last one awake in the house and I go into the kitchen to do whatever I do at the end of the night, I catch them there—once they think they have the place to themselves—on the lino in front of the fridge, hoovering up food scraps and having a gay old time. I've never seen anything like it and have no idea how they get in. Our back garden border is made from beech bushes. And, just like the slugs, the beech leaves have figured out a way to get inside the house and end up on the kitchen floor. When a beech leaf dries, it curls up into a little tubular shape that looks for all the world like a slug—especially when the shadow of a leaf's pointy tip adds a second point right next to it, and at first glance, these two points fool you into thinking they're a slug's antennae. So, I have to make my best guess as to whether it is indeed a leaf or whether it's actually a slug. And then I must dec