Three unrelated thoughts

Today, I drove past a house where somebody had a huge mirror facing inward, completely filling their bedroom window. It's hard to imagine a bigger act of vanity than replacing your view of the external world with a reflection of your own image.


I worked yesterday (my last enrolment weekend), so I didn't get to see Ansel or take him swimming, as per our usual Saturday routine. Tonight, as I was putting him to sleep, he said sweetly, "Daddy, where were you yesterday? I missed you." The innocence, direct honesty, and curiosity of kids will melt even the coldest heart.


Something I wonder: is my left/right brain nature somehow related to me using my left leg and becoming left-footed after breaking my right leg as a kid? If so, which way around is the cause and effect? Did a naturally strong right brain enable me to become left-footed, or did using my left leg more during a critical development period cause my right brain to develop more than it otherwise would have? 

(And, as lefties are over-represented in creative pursuits, did this spark my creative tendencies, or vice versa?) 

It's a shame I can't split-test this.

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