Election day

Strange week. Mat’s funeral on Monday. Good turnout. I was far more emotional than I expected. Having kids changes you and makes you more aware of your own mortality, I think. General Eletion today. Did the deed of voting, as always. Lets see what changes it brings. 

Woke up one morning a few days back to hear Z saying “Ansel play, Ansel play” through the monitor. He was stood in his cot obvs calling over to his sleeping brother. Stark contrast to his usual crying for Mummy, and a sure sign they’re enjoying playing together. Lovely seeing them become friends, not just brothers. 

A had two settling in sessions at school this week. Seemed to go well. I just hope we’ve done the right thing sending him to a school outside the village. Hard to know. Might be amazing, but might regret it later. Time will tell.

Watched Everybody Street this week. Great doc. Big takeaway: Don’t listen to dogma. Find your authentic voice and do what works for you. Understand why you’re doing something, and let that be your North Star.

Lost a couple of leads that seemed warm a few weeks back. Supps co, Uni, and Amie no longer need anything. Shame none of them came through, but good in way. Get to flush my pipeline and look forward. Found a few opps on job boards I need to pursue. I’m still being hesitant with prospecting. Need to go much HARDER.

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