
Showing posts from April, 2024

Jazz Club

 Night out with the boys. Jazz club. Good food, great band. Had the urge to draw, so took a drawing kit out with me and sketched some of the crowd while listening to the band. Definitely better than just watching. You hear better without the visual distraction of watching the band and take in more of the scene by looking around. Turned out three decent portraits in blue coloured pencil. Discovered the Hemingway Special (aka Papa Doble) cocktail. Intense. Tart. Dangerous. Satisfies my newly developed taste for cherries.

A successful day’s parenting

 Yesterday was my first day of having both boys by myself all day for a while (Char has changed her working patterns, so I now have them all day on Tuesdays). Started by finding out A got into our first choice school. Sorted his nursery funding for the next term, went to playgroup, had fun playing at home, and got their haircut. A successful day’s parenting. Char, on the other hand, came home from having them today and said she hates looking after them by herself. Not good. Oh, and my new sales page went live today. Happy with it. Now I need to start driving traffic to it.


 Finally some good weather this weekend. Drove out to Hucknall with the boys and the blossom was out everywhere. Don’t think I’ve ever seen it look more spectacular. Built a wall for the new play area in the front garden. Looks pretty sweet. Let’s hope for a decent summer.


 Been meaning to write an entry for three weeks. Struggled to find time and been exhausted by late evening. Had a great time meeting the PP crew in Amsterdam. Felt like a family reunion. Everyone was so nice. And also so interesting! I think I was the only one who hadn’t lived in more than one country and only spoke one language. Great bunch of people, and we had an awesome few days together. Less work and more play than I expected. Ace boat ride through the city at sunset and super-fun improv theatre workshop (which I thought would be awkward and challenging but was actually a total blast). The city was cool too. Felt big, spacious, and chill, even though there’s tons to do and see. Not like cramped, rushed, stressful London at all. The Dutch are very cool and casual but still get shit done. City living doesn’t appeal to me these days, but if it did, Amsterdam would be high on the list. Spring is finally here: feels like winter lasted forever and suddenly here we are, just two months