Bad start, got better

 Yesterday (Fri 10) was a great day despite a rough start. Ansel had a morning meltdown that lasted the whole way to nursey. (I had to calm him down in the foyer before he could go in—a first).

It was a crisp, bright morning, so I took a walk around the village to clear my head (which worked). Hammered out a six-email sequence for PP by mid-afternoon and found time (and motivation) to lift some weights and go for a run to end the day.

I’m not sure if my natural energy level caused me to be so motivated, active, and productive, or if it was the other way around, but I could feel my body was flooded with endorphins… and I had a sense of accomplishment and wellbeing that lasted all day. Reminded me of the high I used to feel after yoga class.

Plus it turned out Ansel had soon settled down and had a great day at nursery. And he was so sweet and fun in the evening, getting me to play PJ Masks with him (and being chill about Zen being with his mum).

Note to self: things can turn around from a bad start. And I need to build back my workout habit.

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