Morning run

First day of freelancing. It feels like the natural way to be. Good to be in control of my time and the opportunities available to me. 

Started the day with a run at Gedling Country Park. Misty morning views. Had a run-in with a dog walker whose dog was a little too interested in me for my liking. 

Ignored it the first couple of times, but when I found his dog two feet behind me crouched in an attack position, I asked him to put his dog on a lead, which led to this funny interaction:

“Do you want to put her on a lead?”

“No, I’m fine, thanks.”

“Ok, but I’m not sure your dog is.”

“Has she bitten you yet?”

“Is that what you’re going to wait for?”

“I know my dog. She won’t bite you. Keep running.”

Felt good to stand my ground without being combative. Most people apologise if their dogs start interfering with you. Not this guy. 

Beautiful morning all the same, and nice to have client work ready to go on day one.

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