
Showing posts from December, 2021

Today I stopped and looked around

I was up early this morning to take my son to nursery. After I'd cleaned our teeth and got us dressed and he had (almost) finished playing with a pair of plastic plates from his toy kitchen, we stepped outside to be greeted by a beautiful deep red glow hitting the underside of the clouds from the sun laying just below the horizon to the South-East. To the North-West, the almost full moon, now waning, glowed against the rich blue-grey sky. I pointed it out to him, and he returned a smile. I made the two-mile drive to his nursery in silence, looking at the leafless winter trees poking out from the frozen fields along the way. After returning home alone listening to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, I sat on the concrete ledge that runs along our driveway and watched the sun rise in a blaze of glory over the hill ridge, maybe a kilometre away. The stone was cold, but I didn't mind. I had a thick parka on, and I couldn't have felt any colder than the band of horses that were sl